Sense of Adventure

4 Days Bird Watching and photographic safari in Nakuru and Naivasha

4 Days Bird Watching and photographic safari in Nakuru and Naivasha

Day 1: Arrival in Nakuru and Initial Exploration

After spending about 3 hours on a picturesque trip from Nairobi, arrive at Nakuru late in the morning at your hotel/ lodge. You will be welcomed with breathtaking views and quick access to places to go bird viewing. Set off on your first birdwatching expedition in Lake Nakuru National Park after lunch. This park is well known for its wide variety of bird life, especially the Greater Flamingos, which frequently gather in striking pink flocks around the lake's edges. Look out for the magnificent African Fish Eagle soaring overhead, and keep an eye out for Black-crowned Night Herons sleeping in the treetops. African Hawk-Eagles and White-backed Vultures can be spotted during a late-game drive as the afternoon wears on. Go back to your hotel for dinner and overnight stay.


Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Drinking Water

Day 2: Full Day of Bird Watching in Lake Nakuru National Park

Start your day early with a hearty breakfast before heading out for a morning bird-watching safari in Lake Nakuru National Park. Explore the diverse habitats, including woodlands and savannahs, which are home to a variety of species. Look for the vibrant White-cheeked Turaco in the forested areas and the striking Green-headed Sunbird flitting among the foliage. A visit to the Makalia Falls will reveal birds like the Mountain Buzzard and the elusive African Harrier-Hawk. Return to your lodge for lunch, then set out again in the afternoon to discover the park’s different ecosystems. The wetlands are ideal for spotting Crested Cranes and Pied Kingfishers, while the open grasslands might yield sightings of the rare African Quail-Finch. Enjoy a serene evening back at the lodge, reflecting on the day's bird-watching experiences over dinner.


Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Drinking Water

Day 3: Transfer to Naivasha and Boat Ride on Lake Naivasha

Check out and make the 2 hours’ trip to Naivasha after breakfast. Once you've arrived, make yourself at home at the Lake Naivasha lodges/ hotels. Take a boat ride on Lake Naivasha, where the lake serves as a habitat for a variety of bird species, after lunch. See African Jacanas strolling on lily pads and Great Cormorants using tree branches to dry their wings. Purple Herons and Reed Warblers can be seen in the papyrus marshes that surround the lake. Take a walking safari around Crescent Island in the late afternoon. Excellent bird watching is available at this private sanctuary, where you may see species like the Long-tailed Cisticola and the White-browed Coucal. After dinner, retire to your lodge for a peaceful night's sleep.


Bed, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Drinking Water

Day 4: Final Bird Watching and Departure

On your final morning, enjoy an early breakfast before heading out for a last bird-watching session. You might choose to explore the grounds of your lodge or, if time permits, take a brief visit to Hell’s Gate National Park. This park is known for its dramatic landscapes and diverse birdlife, including the impressive Verreaux's Eagle and the Banded Snake Eagle. As you prepare to depart for Nairobi in the late morning, reflect on the incredible avian experiences you've had over the past few days. Your bird-watching adventure concludes with the journey back to Nairobi, filled with memories of the stunning birds and beautiful landscapes of Nakuru and Naivasha.



Booking reference