Sense of Adventure

Why Amboseli National park is a must visit

Why Amboseli National park is a must visit


Amboseli National Park, lying in the beautiful land of Kenya is located in the northwest direction of Mount Kilimanjaro on the Kenya-Tanzania border. This park covers 392 square kilometers and is dominated by acacia woodland, rocky thorny bush, swampy marshes, and a Pleistocene Lake. Amboseli National Park is home to an extensive variety of wildlife, estimated to be 80 diverse species, including African elephants, African buffalo, impalas, lions, zebras, and wildebeest, among other African animals; however, the park is best known for its large elephant population.

Amboseli National Park Entrance Gates

 Amboseli National Park can be accessed through various gates, Kimana Gate being the main gate to the park. The other gates include; Iremito Gate, Mashenani Gate, Kelunyuet Gate, Kitirua Gate, and Ilmeshanan Gate. The park also has an airstrip for flight access. The shortest route to the park is via the Emali-Loitoktok route.

Amboseli National Park Entry Fees

Amboseli National Park fees vary from Adults to Children:

Citizen / Resident [Adult]; In high peak season the park fee is 1,000 Ksh while in low season is 800 USD for adults.

Non-resident; In high peak season the park fee is 100 USD while in low season is 80 USD for adults. 

Activities in Amboseli National Park

On your safari to Amboseli National Park, you can still view a variety of notable bird species, including bat-eared foxes, which are "very rare to see," giraffes, buffalo, lion, cheetahs, and non-migrating wildebeest. As you engage in your Game Drive, you'll have multiple chances to spot all of Africa's famous "Big Five". Amidst the rolling hills of Tsavo West National Park and the snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro vistas of Amboseli National Park, you'll get a deep dive into Kenya's rich natural environment. 

Other accessible attractions from Amboseli National Park

Tsavo East and West National Park

Tsavo East and West National Park are located to the south of Amboseli National Park approximately 4 and a half hours drive. Tsavo National Park is famous for its herds of red elephants that roam freely on the grounds, the red skin making them stand out against all other wild animals. Moreover, countless buffaloes, giraffes, and zebra can be spotted moving around and one can also spot hyenas, leopards, and lions.

Shimba Hills National Reserve

You can also connect to Shimba Hills through Mombasa Road from Nairobi via Amboseli National Park. The reserve is home to a wide range of flora and fauna with species that include bushy tail mongoose, fruit bats, buffaloes, leopards, bush duiker, elephant shrew, and monkeys. You can also have a splendid game drive in the Reserve just as in Amboseli National Park.